
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Must-Haves If You Have a Dog - Dog Necessities

Having a dog as a family pet is a wonderful thing, but there are some things that can make it even better. These might be what could be referred to as must-haves. Now if you are already enjoying the wonderful world of dog ownership, you may want to have a look to be sure you are not missing any of these dog necessities.

Dogs are no different than other pets. They all need things like water, food, and shelter. And just like kids, you need to teach pets what behavior is okay and what behavior isn't okay. Another necessity is love and caring. If you are missing any of these basic must-haves, there could be problems.

First off are the basics of water and food. Be sure that your pet has lots of clean water whether he is indoors or outside. Even if your dog drinks from puddles, it's still a good idea to regularly clean his water bowl.

Try to establish a routine of feeding your pooch. You may want to check with your vet to see if he recommends a morning or evening feeding time. His recommendation may be dependent upon your dog's activity level or his breed. Whatever the case, stay consistent.

Fill up his bowl with as much food as he's allowed and then set it out in the same spot each day. Some dogs wolf their food down as soon as the bowl is put in front of them. Others nibble a little at a time. If you have a nibbler, you're probably better off feeding him dry food, rather than canned food. Choose a quality dog food, so you can be sure it will contain all the important nutrients that your pet needs, at any age.

Equally important is shelter. There are certain things to take into consideration depending on whether your dog is an inside or an outside dog. For inside dogs, you will have to decide where he sleeps and where he stays while you are not home.

If you have a puppy, a crate can work well. Be sure though that there is a comfortable bed inside the crate. Leave enough room for a water bowl and for puppies that are not housebroken, set aside an area at one end of the crate and lay down newspaper.

When you aren't home, you have a couple of options to restrict your puppy from roaming freely. Either place him in a room with a door, like a laundry room, or put up a gate to keep him in a hallway. Be sure to leave water as well as a comfortable dog bed to lie on.

Buying a dog bed is one of the most important investments you can make. You will be able to train him right off to lie on his bed instead of the carpet or your couch.

It's so much easier to clean a dog bed, especially a washable dog bed, than it is to clean your couch. If he has a favorite spot on the carpet, that area will look different than the rest of the carpet, in time.

Training is a really important part of dog ownership. A well-behaved dog is more fun to have around and is a whole lot easier to control. You aren't doing yourself or your dog any favors by not training him. And training could save his life.

Here's how. If your dog will stop and sit, or even better come when called, you'll be able to stop him if he is about to run out into the street.

When training your dog, you'll need a collar and leash right from the start. After that it's up to you whether you want to get a dog training manual and do it yourself, or enroll him in dog training classes. Training pays dividends in many ways, not the least of which is the pleasure you get when going for a walk with your well-behaved dog.

There is no doubt that dogs are sensitive animals. They are eager to please and pick up on your feelings. Dogs play a very rewarding part in day to day life, for many pet owners. All you have to do is be sure and provide the must-have dog necessities for your favorite furry friend.

A comfortable dog bed is a must-have dog necessity. To welcome a puppy into his new home, there is nothing more comforting than a cozy cave dog bed. Visit to find out more.

No-No Bad Dog - Dogs Don't Understand English

"No! No! Bad Dog!" Those words have no meaning to a dog. The tone of voice that is used to utter the words tells the dog everything he needs to know. You can say, "No! No! Bad Dog" in an angry voice, and the dog realizes that you aren't pleased with him, but not because of the words that you are saying. On the other hand, you could utter the exact same words in a sweet and loving voice that says there is a scratch behind the ear coming, and the dog will wag his tail and grin from ear to ear. The WORDS mean nothing. The TONE means everything.

Dogs don't come into this world understanding the English language, or any other language, for that matter. They LEARN what certain words and certain gestures mean, but the one thing that all dogs understand, unless they're deaf, is the implication of the TONE of voice, and they understand body language.

That is why it is so important for people who are attending dog obedience classes or teaching their dogs obedience at home to learn to use an authoritative tone of voice and to use body language that is assertive and oozes confidence. The dog already understands tone and body language. You'll be teaching him the action that you want him to perform when you make certain sounds. He'll learn that when you make the sound "sit," he is supposed to drop his behind to the ground and assume a sitting position. He won't understand the word - but he will understand the sound, and he will certainly understand a tone that demands instant obedience.

When you are obedience training your dog, stand up straight - don't slump. Dogs take the slumping posture to mean weakness. When you give your dog a command, give the command in a strong and authoritative tone of voice. Do not ever request the dog to comply with a command with your tone of voice. Demand that the dog obey with the tone of your voice.

Milos Pesic is a certified dog trainer and owner of popular and comprehensive Dog Training [] information website. For more articles and resources on dog training, dog training certification and programs, free online dog training classes, dog potty training and much more visit his site at:
